Aug 17, 2023

ZeroRisk Cases, Inc. Helps Law Firms Secure Higher Settlement Awards with Signed PI Cases

Posted by : ZeroRisk Cases Marketing

ZeroRisk Cases, Inc., a leading mass tort and personal injury client acquisition agency based in Allentown, is revolutionizing the personal injury legal industry with its latest offering: signed personal injury cases. By providing law firms with clients who have suffered serious or life-threatening injuries due to accidents caused by others, ZeroRisk Cases® is enabling these firms to secure higher settlement awards for their clients.

MVA Signed Cases and Leads

ZeroRisk Cases® specializes in behavioral targeting through effective advertising placement. This means that their ads are strategically placed in front of individuals who exhibit online behaviors consistent with someone who has been involved in an accident with a commercial vehicle. By reaching out to these targeted individuals, ZeroRisk Cases® ensures that law firms can connect with potential claimants who are most likely to benefit from their services.

But what sets ZeroRisk Cases® apart from the competition is its proprietary data collection procedure. Through this innovative process, the company has developed technology that allows them to mine data from third-party vendors and match leads with comprehensive accident and medical histories, diagnoses, drug prescriptions, and treatments. This not only reduces acquisition costs but also provides law firms with high-value claimants backed by irrefutable proof of usage or exposure to certain factors related to the case.

Ed Lott, President and Managing Partner of ZeroRisk Cases, Inc., explains the significance of this breakthrough: “Our latest technology enables us to provide our law firm partners with signed personal injury cases at the bottom of the funnel—clients who have extensive evidence supporting their claims,” said Lott. “This significantly elevates the value we bring our partners while enhancing their ability to secure higher settlement awards.”

By offering higher-quality cases through its Personal Injury Cases program backed by its innovative ZeroRisk Compliance ProgramTM, ZeroRisk Cases® helps law firms maximize both revenue potential and client satisfaction.

About Zero RiskCases, Inc.

Zero RiskCases, Inc. is a reputable mass tort and personal injury client acquisition agency specializing in attracting high-quality litigants for law firms. Utilizing various popular ad platforms, from mobile marketing to voice search and digital marketing platforms, the company launches practical lead-generation campaigns that deliver measurable results. Their ZeroRisk Compliance ProgramTM is designed to reduce or eliminate lead fraud and fake leads that are becoming more prevalent in today’s legal market.

For more information about ZeroRisk Cases, Inc. and their game-changing approach to securing higher settlement awards for law firms, visit their websites at and .

Edward Lott, Ph.D., M.B.A.
ZeroRisk Cases®
Call 833-ZERORISK (833-937-6747) x5

ZeroRisk Cases, Inc. Helps Law Firms Secure Higher Settlement Awards with Signed PI Cases
Article Name
ZeroRisk Cases, Inc. Helps Law Firms Secure Higher Settlement Awards with Signed PI Cases
ZeroRisk Cases® specializes in behavioral targeting through effective advertising placement. This means that their ads are strategically placed in front of individuals who exhibit online behaviors consistent with someone who has been involved in an accident with a commercial vehicle.
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ZeroRisk Cases, Inc.
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