Slip and Fall Accident Leads

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Slip and Fall Accident Leads and Signed Cases

Slip and fall cases can be a mainstay of your personal injury practice. They happen frequently, and they sometimes cause serious harm, potentially generating respectable income for your firm. Since they’re a personal injury mainstay, how do you compete with other firms for landing the kinds of cases and clients you seek? ZeroRisk Cases® can get your firm the clients it needs to make this practice area a success.

How big an issue is injuries caused by slips and falls? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

  • Twenty percent of falls result in a severe injury such as broken bones or a head injury
  • Falls are the most common cause of traumatic brain injuries (TBI)
  • More than 800,000 patients a year are hospitalized due to a fall injury, most frequently due to a head injury or hip fracture
  • More than 95 percent of hip fractures are caused by falling, often by falling sideways
  • The total medical costs for treating fall-related injuries totaled more than $50 billion in 2015

Though most falls don’t cause lasting juries, some can result in long-term disabilities and chronic pain. These problems can have a devastating impact on a person’s life. Some of your clients may have been more likely to fall for a variety of reasons.

  • Lower body weakness
  • Vitamin D deficiency
  • Walking and balance limitations
  • Use of medications (tranquilizers, sedatives, antidepressants, and some over-the-counter medicines)
  • Vision problems
  • Foot pain or poor footwear

Many of us suffering from serious falls may simply not be paying attention to where we’re going, we’re intoxicated or under the influence of drugs. We may be in a hurry and not wearing appropriate footwear for the conditions.

Other parties, acting negligently, may also sow the seeds of a fall and serious injuries.

  • An area may be poorly lit
  • Pedestrians may have an obstructed view of a hazardous area
  • Pavement, sidewalks, and stairs may be poorly maintained, leading to tripping dangers
  • There may be unnatural accumulations of water, snow, or ice on public walkways that aren’t cleared off
  • The carpeting in public areas may be torn, ripped, or wrinkled
  • A floor may be slippery because of a spilled liquid
  • There may be some kind of maintenance or repair going on in a public area and materials or tools are scattered about
  • Power cords or cables may be laid across a floor

How do you get the kinds of cases and clients you need?

Spending a lot of money on marketing and advertising is an option. But if not done right, the return on your investment will be disappointing. Traditional advertising (billboards, print, and broadcast media) require spending that may be beyond your means. They’re also in the background of our lives, not getting much attention. How many people will remember your name, what you do, and your contact information after being exposed to this advertising?

A person injured in a fall will probably do some research online or review law firm websites. Effective Internet marketing is sophisticated and expensive. Getting your website placed high enough on search engine results to get any attention could take a lot of time and money.

You can bid to have your ad or web page appear high on search engine results but, depending on your firm’s location, it could be very costly. Just getting a “click” from that search engine to your firm’s website can cost hundreds of dollars. That will only get the person you to your site. There’s no guarantee the person will read it. If, for any reason, it doesn’t appeal to the person, in seconds, he or she will be looking at a competitor’s website.

Content and social media marketing can improve your “organic” (non-paid) search results, but they take time before they have a substantial impact and can cost significant amounts of money. Search engine algorithms continuously change. An internet marketing campaign that finally works can suddenly fade, and you have to start over again.

How do you compete with other firms to get the kinds of slip-and-fall cases that will generate sufficient income? You hire us.

A key to a law firm’s profitability is controlling costs.

  • Mass media advertising campaigns may result in no new cases.
  • Internet and social media marketing are more focused but costly. If you want to rank highly in search engine results, you’ll be in protracted search engine optimization and content marketing battles with possibly dozens of other law firms willing to spend more than you are.

Maximize your time, energy and income

Avoid these hassles and the expense of potentially fruitless marketing and advertising campaigns. Reach potential clients ready, willing, and able to retain your services. Don’t gamble on marketing and advertising, hoping your investment will get you clients. Use our service to deliver leads to your firm.

We put our energy and expertise into obtaining the highest quality leads for you.

We focus our advertising efforts on TV, radio, organic SEO (Google, Bing, Yahoo), Google Maps, Google Ads, Bing, Facebook and Instagram, but depending on your ideal client profile, we may turn to other platforms. Unlike other mass tort ad agencies, we have experience with a number of different ad platforms, so we can use just the right one to get the job done. We focus on mobile marketing, utilizing Voice Search, to capture some of the best and highest-converting leads.

We also use remarketing and behavioral targeting in our lead-generation campaigns. Remarketing and behavioral targeting allow us to target the right people at the right time with the right message to get them on the phone.

Our latest technology utilizes our proprietary software that enables us to data mine information through third-party vendors, resulting in cases where leads have been matched with their medical histories, diagnosis, drug prescription, and treatments with exposure or usage of a caustic drug or chemical.  This significantly reduces the cost of acquisition and provides a much higher value clients; one that has proof of accident; proof of diagnosis; and proof of treatment.


We limit the number of law firms we work with so it’s critical to us that we create very solid client relationships and provide clients for them for years to come. We are very responsive and offer small intro orders for leads without contracts. We want you to work with us because of the quality of our leads, not due to a contractual obligation.

Why You Should Select Us As Your Personal Injury Acquisition Agency

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Our Signed Personal Injury Cases are unsurpassed in quality and attention to detail when it comes to finding high-value plaintiffs for your firm.

Get started before your competitors do. There are only so many clients we can serve.



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