Truck Accidents Leads

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Truck Accidents Signed Cases

Commercial truck accidents often cause fatal and life-altering injuries to those in the wrong place at the wrong time. A semi-truck may weigh 80,000 pounds and if it’s traveling fast enough, demolish anything in its path. Though these cases can be complex due to causation issues and multiple defendants, the work they require may be well worth it, given the possible settlements and jury verdicts. Do you want to grow your personal injury practice with truck accident cases? If so, ZeroRisk Cases® can help.

ZeroRisk Cases® isn’t just about marketing because we go beyond marketing. We don’t spray ads onto the internet and pray for results.  We use AI-based Behavioral Intent Targeting to create exclusive commercial truck accident leads for you from Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and data mining, thanks to our proprietary software.

Our behavioral targeting places effective ads in front of those who are tracked doing things online consistent with someone who suffered a truck accident (like filing a police report, viewing physical therapy websites, visiting vehicle insurance claims pages to file a claim, etc.).

Truck Accident Cases Can Grow Your Practice

Truck accident cases can result in high settlements and jury verdicts against commercial insurers. This not only means earning high fees but the attention that can come with six or seven-figure jury awards or settlements. These kinds of figures get attention from the local press and those viewing your social media posts. They may attract more truck cases and people with a variety of accident claims who want to maximize their recovery by hiring a successful attorney.

There are tens of thousands of commercial truck accidents every year, keeping commercial insurance carriers busy. These large vehicles travel busy city streets and the most rural interstates. If your area includes highways popular among truck drivers or places where commercial trucks conflict with passenger vehicles, motorcycles, and pedestrians, your chances of a crash yielding a client may improve.

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration:

  • 5,237 large buses and trucks were involved in fatal crashes in 2019, a 2% increase from 2018
  • The number of fatal wrecks with large trucks or buses decreased 34% from 2005 to 2009 but increased 47% from 2009 to 2019
  • The number of accidents causing injuries involving large trucks or buses decreased 41% from 2002 to 2009 but increased 62% to 97,000 from 2009 to 2015
  • Truck and bus accidents causing injuries went up another 13% from 2016 to 2019, totaling about 127,000 in 2019
  • In 2019, 84 school buses, 15 intercity buses, and 78 transit buses were involved in fatal crashes

Most deaths resulting from large truck crashes are occupants in passenger vehicles, reports the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety and the Highway Loss Data Institute. Factors include:

  • Commercial trucks maybe 20-30 times heavier than a passenger vehicle
  • They’re taller and have greater ground clearance, which may result in a smaller vehicle literally being run over or trapped under trailers
  • A loaded tractor-trailer takes 20% to 40% farther to stop than cars, and the distance increases on wet or slippery pavement or if the truck is poorly maintained

These imbalances between passenger vehicles and commercial trucks show up in injury and death statistics:

  • 97% of those killed in two-vehicle crashes involving a passenger vehicle and a large truck in 2019 were in passenger vehicles
  • 64% of large truck occupants killed in 2019 were in multiple-vehicle accidents involving another large truck
  • 12% of all those killed in passenger vehicles and 22% of passenger vehicle occupant deaths in multiple-vehicle crashes in 2019 involved accidents with large trucks

Though commercial trucks play a critical role in our economy, they also disproportionately pose a hazard to others on the road.

How ZeroRisk Cases® Can Help Build Your Truck Accident Practice

Whether truck accidents will supplement your PI cases or you want them to be a significant part of your firm’s practice, ZeroRisk Cases® can help you and your firm reach your goals. Our cutting-edge AI-based Behavioral Intent Targeting generates consistent, exclusive leads for your firm each month:

  • Campaigns are easily scaled up
  • Since our leads are pre-qualified, you won’t waste your time with people you’ll never represent
  • All contact information is confirmed
  • Prospective clients are in the market for a rideshare attorney, so time and money aren’t wasted on ineffective marketing
  • EXCLUSIVE TO YOUR TARGET MARKET (statewide only at this time)

Prospective clients are looking for a truck accident lawyer so you’re not wasting your time, energy, and money on marketing whose returns don’t justify the cost.

How the Process Works

How do we get clients to your firm?

Take the Next Step and Get Signed Clients

Our Signed Truck Cases are unmatched in quality. Our attention to detail in finding high-value plaintiffs for your firm will pay off. Our unique programs are for truck accident attorneys looking for the best cases.

All our leads pass a pre-qualification filtering process. They tell us they:

  • were injured in a truck accident
  • they did not hire an attorney for this incident
  • they were in an accident and sustained a bodily injury (taken to ER or have been examined by a medical professional for their injury complaint within 5 days post-accident)
  • they were not at fault
  • the at-fault party has commercial insurance coverage
  • they provide a description of their accident/injury and any treatment, etc.
  • there is a police report available (police or other governing authority, arrived at the scene of the accident)
  • the date of the accident and it is within 3 months
  • receive medical attention WITHIN 5 DAYS OF THE ACCIDENT for any injury resulting from the accident
  • they have not received any settlement for their bodily injury claim

Want to Spend Your Resources Finding Truck Accident Clients or Working for Them?

We limit how many law firms we work with, so it’s in our interest to create excellent client relationships by supplying well-qualified clients to you for years to come. We will be very responsive to your needs, and we offer small intro orders without contracts. You should work with us because of the quality of our results, not because a contractual obligation hangs over your head.

Do the math. What’s the cost of dealing with wasted leads and signed cases you purchased from other vendors? Our process will bring the highest value to your law firm. We will do all the work finding highly qualified truck accident clients so you can represent them, and earn your fee and reputation for getting the most for your clients.

Why You Should Select Us As Your Personal Injury Acquisition Agency

Want signed clients?

Our Signed Personal Injury Cases are unsurpassed in quality and attention to detail when it comes to finding high value plaintiffs for your firm.

Get started before your competitors do. There are only so many clients we can serve.




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