Medical Malpractice Leads

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Medical Malpractice Leads and Signed Cases

Negligence by healthcare providers is a constant threat to all of us who need medical help of one kind or another. Anyone working in the healthcare system, from the lowest-paid nursing assistant to the most specialized surgeon, can commit malpractice. Given all those working in healthcare are fallible humans capable of making mistakes, and it’s about a $4 trillion industry, many people who suffer from medical malpractice want legal help.

More than 250,000 people in the US are killed annually because of medical mistakes, making it the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer, according to a 2016 Johns Hopkins study, reports CNBC. Other studies have much higher estimates, up to 440,000. A 2013 article in the Journal of Patient Safety estimates that based on a review of 1984 medical records of New York hospital patients, for every death caused by medical mistakes, there could be ten to twenty patients with non-lethal injuries.

A fifth of adults have suffered a medical error and a third know of someone who’s experienced one, according to a nationwide poll of more than 2,500 adults, reports WebMD. Most of the mistakes concerned diagnosis and patient-provider communications.

Those who stated they experienced a medical error identified at least seven different factors that lead to the failure. Nearly half reported it to medical staff or other workers at the health care facility where they were treated. The IHI/NPSF Lucian Leape Institute and NORC at the University of Chicago performed the survey in 2017.

More than $4 billion in insurance settlements has been paid out due to medical malpractice from 2004 to 2018, reports LeverageRx. The number of payments peaked in 2004 at about 17,000, down to about 11,000 in 2018. The average amount increased from about $260,000 to $348,065 over that time. The most common allegations involved diagnosis, surgery, treatment, obstetrics, and medications. Nearly 30% of claims concerned wrongful death.

These cases are not inexpensive. Medical malpractice litigation carries all the costs of personal injury litigation, plus you’ll need at least one medical expert for your case. Many states require evidence in these cases to be reviewed by an expert, with that person certifying it’s a legitimate case when the complaint is filed.

The practice of law is becoming more specialized. To succeed, you’ll need to focus more time and energy on these cases. You’ll have to know the medical issues in your cases as well as your medical experts.

There is also a lot of competition for these cases. Given the average settlement in 2018 was $348,065, this is an area of law that attracts many lawyers whose goal is fewer, but much more profitable, cases.

Attracting medical malpractice clients the hard way

You can spend substantial amounts of money on marketing and advertising. What if it doesn’t work? What will you do if you hire the wrong marketing company or choose a campaign that won’t deliver the clients you want? Traditional advertising (billboards, print, and broadcast media) costs a lot of money but is in the background of our busy lives. When was the last time a billboard grabbed your attention?

A family dealing with medical malpractice will probably do research online, look at attorney listings, or review law firm websites. Internet marketing is sophisticated and expensive. Getting your site high enough on search results to attract attention will take a lot of time and money.

If you want your firm’s ad or website to appear high on search engine results, depending on your area, they could be very costly. Just getting a person from the search result to your web page could cost hundreds of dollars. Content and social media marketing may improve your “organic” (non-paid) search results, but they could take a long time before they work and cost substantial amounts of money.

Attracting medical malpractice clients the easy way

How do you compete against other firms to get quality, profitable medical malpractice clients? You hire ZeroRisk Cases.

A key to a law firm’s profitability is controlling costs.

  • Mass media advertising campaigns are costly. They may result in no new cases.
  • Internet and social media marketing are more focused, but it’s very expensive. If you want to rank highly in search engine results, you’ll be engaging in protracted search engine optimization and content marketing battles with possibly dozens of other law firms.

Why bother with the time, energy, and cost of potentially fruitless marketing and advertising campaigns when you can connect to potential clients ready, willing, and able to retain your services? Instead of placing bets on a marketing and advertising roulette wheel, use our service to deliver high-value leads to your firm.

We put our energy and expertise into obtaining the highest quality leads for you.

A key to a law firm’s profitability is controlling costs.

  • Mass media advertising campaigns are very expensive. They may result in no new cases.
  • Internet and social media marketing are more focused, but it’s costly. If you want to rank highly in search engine results, you’ll be engaging in protracted search engine optimization and content marketing battles with possibly dozens of other law firms.

Avoid these hassles and the expense of potentially fruitless marketing and advertising campaigns and connect to potential clients ready, willing, and able to retain your services. Instead of placing bets in a marketing and advertising gamble, hoping you’ll get clients, use our service to deliver leads to your firm.

We put our energy and expertise into obtaining the highest quality leads for you.

We focus our advertising efforts on TV, radio, organic SEO (Google, Bing, Yahoo), Google Maps, Google Ads, Bing, Facebook, and Instagram, but depending on your ideal client profile, we may turn to other platforms. Unlike other agencies, we have experience with a number of different ad platforms, so we can use just the right one to get the job done. We focus on mobile marketing, utilizing Voice Search, to capture some of the best and highest-converting leads.

We also use remarketing and behavioral targeting in our lead-generation campaigns. Remarketing and behavioral targeting allow us to target the right people at the right time with the right message to get them on the phone.

Our latest technology utilizes our proprietary software that enables us to data mine information through third-party vendors, resulting in cases where leads have been matched with their medical histories, diagnosis, drug prescription, and treatments with exposure or usage of a caustic drug or chemical.  This significantly reduces the cost of acquisition and provides a much higher value clients; one that has proof of diagnosis; and proof of treatment.

We limit the number of law firms we work with so it’s critical to us that we create very solid client relationships and provide clients for them for years to come. We are very responsive and offer small intro orders for leads without contracts. We want you to work with us because of the quality of our leads, not due to a contractual obligation.

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